What is a leap year? What is a common year?
A leap year contains one extra day, February the 29th, over an ordinary common year. There are 366 days in a leap year and 365 days in a common year. Details below...
In other words, a leap year is 366 days long, the ordinary year is one day shorter: 365 days.
A leap year is a calendar year that contains 366 days as compared to the 365 days contained by an ordinary common calendar year. A year that is not a leap year is called a common year.
A leap year contains one additional day over the common year: the February 29th (the leap day). In a common year the month of February has only 28 days and February 29th does not exist.
What are the chances of being born on a leap day (February 29th)?
- Slightly less than 1 in 1,500
- Approximately 1 in 1,461 ≈ 0.000684462697 chances
- Or, more precisely, 97 in (400 × 365 + 97) ≈ 0.000663942449 ≈ 0.066% chances.
- Read on the rest of the articles to see why 0.066% chances...
What is happening with your birthday party and the driver licence if you were born on a leap day (February 29th)?
The Paradox of Being a Leap Year Baby Born on February 29: A person born on February 29th may be called a "leapling" or a "leaper". In non-leap years, some leaplings celebrate their birthday on either February 28th or March 1st, while others only observe birthdays during leap years, on the authentic February 29th. If you were born on a Leap Year, do you get your driver's license on February 28th or on March 1st? This is an ambiguous question that is decided by each country differently, some preffer to use the February 28th (New Zealand) while others preffer the March 1st (UK, Hong Kong). There are around 4 million people worldwide who were born on a Leap Day (February 29th).